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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why am I in Nebraska!?

Written By: Dan

Nuspire travels bring me to Kerney Nebraska.  For those not familuar to Kerney, let me explain.  Take a plane to the middle of nowhere.  Then rent a car and rive for hours and hours. 

People kept telling me "you sure are going to see a lot of Corn."  Guess what, it isn't corn season.  Instead, I'm looking at a lot of dirt.

We finally arrived to Kerney.  Kerney has a few things going for it:

1.  It has a University (not really) - called UNKsomethingsomethingsomething.  It is as big as my condo.
2.  It is home to the Buckle.  A clothins store I may shop at if I didn't love free clothes so much.
3.  It has a hill.  This is a big deal to the locals.  Directions are given by relation to it the hill.  Dinner was South of The Hill.  Our meeting is just past The Hill..

Don't come here.  It isn't worth it.  Even The Hill is overrated.