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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hobee's Honeymoon Vacation

Written by: Hobee
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Just like the newly-weds, I had a vacation of my own! Boy did I need it. As some of you know, I had quite the exciting wedding. Though I was there for the proposal, I was not invited to the wedding. Not happy about that, Layla and I tried to crash the party. We broke out of the groomsmen house a few times and tried to get on the party bus; but Charlie kept throwing us back in. So after they left we broke out of the house! Our escape was not successful though. Layla got picked up by the Crystal Mountain Police, and I ended up spending the afternoon on the porch of Aunt Donna's cottage. On a positive note, I did make a new friend. This Uncle Chuck guy just might be the 7th person I get along with. I’m becoming quite the social butterfly.

Anyway, after all that excitement I needed a vacation. Annie and Danny gave me just what I needed - a 10 day "cruise" and on the USS "Casa de Alessandro." It was quite the good time. During the day we had excursions to exotic places called "the Polyann trail" and "Tim Horton's." During these excursions we visited with the locals, and tried the local cuisine. While this Tim guy makes a mean dish called a“Tim-bit,” I wouldn't recommend eating at the Polyann trail.

Night time entertainment was fantastic! Some of the best shows included: Partying on the top deck - singing and guitar playing (I'm quite the singer too you know) - and comedy hour with the Spags.

With the excursions and night time entertainment came much R& R time. I got daily love, pets, and attention by my favorite person - Vanessa. And was able to sleep all night on the bed with my Grandparents (something I am not allowed to do at home). My favorite place is on an abandoned pillow. I even got to sleep on John's head a few times!

Last but not least was the food! The USS "Casa De Alessandro" is known for their fine doggy dishes - but this vacation set new records. I didn't eat one kibble of the food Dan packed for me. Chef John gave me daily treats, scraps, and this new kind of dog food called "wet food." It is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. It’s like they took my favorite foods (Goose Poop, crumbs, and crackers) and combined it into a super substance. I ate so much; I might weigh 11 pounds now!

We got back late yesterday afternoon. Dan slept 10 hours last night. Annie 11. I'm going on 19 hours and am still not ready to get off the beanbag.

What a great vacation!

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